An interview with Inbetween Models

Terry from Inbetween Models
Most women know the smell og jalousy from a look of a model on the runway/catwalk. With the sighed off ”I wish I was as beautiful as a model” That is a comparison I think many people regonize. But why isn’t the whole society reflected in the fashion industry. You can be as beautiful, with curves, and even some extra kilo on the side legs. Is a size zero the symbol for an ideal woman body, or is it more a reality picture of a small procentage of the population. What about the other shades of the community. I think it’s important to paint with all the colors of the palette, to create a connection and a bridge between the society and the fashion industry. I have got to asked Inbetween Models some questions:
Why do you think there is a bigger percentage of size zero models than there is of inbetween and plus size models?
I think a lot of woman are actually Inbetween but because of the standards they become a size zero model. Also Inbetween and plussize are upcoming. Research has shown that this sizes are really frequent so I can’t imagine why there is a bigger percentage of zero models.
Are you getting as many jobs as size zero?
No, our agency exists 2 years now. The Inbetween market is also very new so it takes time. I can’t compare myself with other agencys who work for many years. And because its new, it’s also scary I think. But I’m convinced the change is coming.
If you could change one thing in the fashion industry, what would it be?
The ridiculous standards. That the models will be taken as they are, not with a specific hip size.
Do you think the Fashion industry is going to have equally of all types of models in the future?
I hope so!! But I think it just take time. The plus size models are also upcoming but they really get accepted. Let’s go for more normal and realistic body’s!
How do you wish the Fashion industry looked like?
With models who are happy and healthy and not have to go on a crazy diet. They just can be themselves and especially in the body they are in.
Thank you to Inbetween Models, check them out on: |